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2024-12-14 01:03:41

Afternoon comment: Suddenly rising, what is the reason?Today, two medical funds will be invested, namely, 800 yuan Nazhi Biotechnology (017895) and 800 yuan Fuguo Medical (018209), and 1000 yuan A-share consumption base (005970). I am a long-term consumer of medical care, and I have performed well in the past two days. Next year, the consumption subsidy policy will not be small, and the medical valuation is cheap, which is worthy of layout, just need more patience. Everybody keep up.Today, I voted for 1000 yuan Fuguo A500 Index (022464), and the current income is 1%. When the market comes, I will buy the A500 index to quickly increase my position. On the 15th, the personal pension will also include A500 in the investable fund range, and there will be another wave of incremental funds. My current thinking is to broaden the base, balance the allocation of science and technology, medical care and consumption, and not fall. If the market turns fast, it will suddenly rise, and I will stick to the position.

Today, two medical funds will be invested, namely, 800 yuan Nazhi Biotechnology (017895) and 800 yuan Fuguo Medical (018209), and 1000 yuan A-share consumption base (005970). I am a long-term consumer of medical care, and I have performed well in the past two days. Next year, the consumption subsidy policy will not be small, and the medical valuation is cheap, which is worthy of layout, just need more patience. Everybody keep up.Today, I voted for 1000 yuan Fuguo A500 Index (022464), and the current income is 1%. When the market comes, I will buy the A500 index to quickly increase my position. On the 15th, the personal pension will also include A500 in the investable fund range, and there will be another wave of incremental funds. My current thinking is to broaden the base, balance the allocation of science and technology, medical care and consumption, and not fall. If the market turns fast, it will suddenly rise, and I will stick to the position.Afternoon comment: Suddenly rising, what is the reason?

At around 11 o'clock, the market suddenly rose. The first reason is that A50 futures suddenly rose, which is estimated to be good for the outside world. In addition, brokers also suddenly pulled up, and when funds are optimistic about the market, they will pull brokers. There are also Chinese prefix and large-cap stocks that are very powerful today. The national debt has soared to a record high, and the stock market has come.Afternoon comment: Suddenly rising, what is the reason?

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